Gravity flow unloading on the former EL eastbound.         
More work will be done on this track in 2011. Blue hopper, hmm, I wonder.
Date: 12/31/2010 Location: Kent, OH   Map Show Kent on a rail map Views: 122 Collection Of:   Fred Stuckmann
Author:  Fred Stuckmann
Gravity flow unloading on the former EL eastbound.
Picture Categories: This picture is part of album:  Kent is getting a new bridge.
User Comments
Name Type Comments Date
Bernie Feltman General Way back, further than I like to admit, I worked at a feedmill with a pit just like this. The only thing this photo doesn't depict is swinging a sledge hammer to dislodge stuck/damp/frozen grain from the hopper, seemingly necessary on every car 1/1/2011 10:10:15 AM
Fred Stuckmann General Those slots on the pockets are for pneumatic hammers, that saves some hard work. Thanks. 1/1/2011 10:59:22 AM

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