'AWAL'? Is a fresh [2014] tag on this Armour reefer apparently done by e.s.e, Niede & wrib. [-A note about the location; there is a frontage road [old transcon hwy] west of Cheyanne which follows the eastbound main for about 7 miles. This photo location was about 1 mile west of town and is a [private] ranch access road. Pls. be aware the UP does not allow public access line side in this area and do not go inside the fence line from the highway to get your shots.] |
10/5/2014 |
Cheyanne, WY |
170 |
Collection Of:

Marty Pfohl |
Rolling Stock: |
Author: Marty Pfohl
Picture Categories: RollingStock |
This picture is part of album: Grafitti Tagging 'Victims' |