The scene at the "plant" at Smothers. This control point will no longer exist once all double tracking is complete. The former north end of this stretch of single track, Green, was discontinued today.         
A new control point, Elba, was established and is currently the south end of double track that begins at Deal. The town of Gretna was once called "Elba" so a nice historical tip of the hat by NS in naming the new CP. ~5 miles of the 10 are in service now.
Date: 11/21/2016 Location: Smothers, VA   Map Show Smothers on a rail map Views: 167 Collection Of:   G. R. Harper
Author:  G. R. Harper
The scene at the "plant" at Smothers.  This control point will no longer exist once all double tracking is complete.  The former north end of this stretch of single track, Green, was discontinued today.
Picture Categories: This picture is part of album:  Signal and track changes to NS's (ex-Southern) Danville District
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