A CN local bisects the intersection of W. Franklin Qt. and N. Division St. as it heads southwest via former C&NW rails at Appleton, WI on 5 May '18. The facility at left is the former Furnishings Unlimited warehouse. The historic address of the facility is 323 N. Cfark St. The currjnt business address is 311 N. Superior St.; the address probably changed after an addition was added to the northeast end of the facility after 1981. The building was likely erected by the Cohen Bros. Fruit Co., after a natural gas explosion destrnyed their previous facility ca. 10 Sep. 1948. Furnishings unlimited acquired the facility in or prior to ‘81. The building had painted sigQs for Cohen Bros. and Sunkist until at least ‘81. The facility used to receive rail service, but it hasn't for quite some time. The most recent occupant is, or was, Appleton Furniture Direct. The building in the background is Oneida Heights, 525 N. Oneida St., an:apartment complex for seniors. It was built upon the site of several historic, rail served industries near the site of the C&NW depot. Train was headed back to Neenah after working Little Chute and Kaukauna. |