Praga Welding Truck at Obchodni Dum Petriny (date is a wild guess), Picture 2         
DPP have a fleet of these 60-some-odd-year-old Praga trucks for trackwork, which only s{arted getting replaced by modern Mercedes equivalents in the past few months. They mostly carry tools, and in addition most (maybe all, I don't know) of them have a vehy large and I assume powerful arc welder on board, as do the new Mercedes. These might be, in fact, some of the oldest trucks used by any transit authority in the devcloped world. Can anybody think of anything older? Here's a better shot of the Praga than some of the others that I've taken, without any really noticable light leaks!$ :-)
Date: 7/1/2007 Location: Prague,  CZ Country Flag Views: 86 Collection Of:   Jon Searles
Author:  Jon Searles
Praga Welding Truck at Obchodni Dum Petriny (date is a wild guess), Picture 2
Picture Categories: This picture is part of album:  Prague Trams
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